import { Client, Collection, Events, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } from 'discord.js' import infoCommand from '../commands/utility/info.js' import connectLinkshell from '../commands/utility/connectLinkshell.js' import joinlinkcloud from '../commands/utility/joinlinkcloud.js' import { getLSFromGuildId, getLSModel } from "../Utility/lsModel.js" import linkcloudstatus from '../commands/utility/linkcloudstatus.js' import { event } from "./eventHandler.js"; import { Err, Log, Debug, Warn } from '../Utility/loggerUtility.js' import createEcho from '../commands/utility/createEcho.js' import fsConfig from '../config.json' assert { type: "json" }; const token = fsConfig.token const servers = { retail: fsConfig.retail_servers, private: fsConfig.private_servers } export const client = new Client({ intents: [ GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers, ], partials: [ Partials.Channel, Partials.Message ] }); const outboundQueue = [] export const botSetup = () => { client.commands = new Collection(); client.commands.set(, infoCommand); client.commands.set(, connectLinkshell); client.commands.set(, joinlinkcloud) client.commands.set(, linkcloudstatus) client.commands.set(, createEcho) client.once(Events.ClientReady, readyClient => { Log(`Discord Bot Ready! Logged in as ${readyClient.user.tag}`); }); client.login(token); } client.on(Events.MessageCreate, async message => { if(!message.guildId) return; const linkshell = getLSFromGuildId(message.guildId) const lsChannels = linkshell.channels if (linkshell) { for(const channel of lsChannels) { if(channel.channelId == message.channelId && !message?.author?.bot) { const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(message.guildId) let nickname = false guild.members.cache.forEach((member) => { if ( == { nickname = member.nickname } }) const authorName = nickname ? nickname : message?.author?.globalName //TODO Fix emojis const messagePacket = {platform: linkshell.ffxiver, server: linkshell.server, from: authorName, message: message.content, lsName:} event.emit('NEW_DISCORD_ECHO_RECEIVED', messagePacket) } } } else { Warn('Unable to find linkshell counterpart for this guild.') } }); client.on(Events.InteractionCreate, async interaction => { if (interaction.isModalSubmit()) { event.emit('on_' + interaction.customId, interaction) } if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return; const command = interaction.client.commands.get(interaction.commandName); if (!command) { Err(`No command matching ${interaction.commandName} was found.`); return; } try { await command.execute(interaction); } catch (error) { console.error(error); if (interaction.replied || interaction.deferred) { await interaction.followUp({ content: 'There was an error while executing this command!', ephemeral: true }); } else { await interaction.reply({ content: 'There was an error while executing this command!', ephemeral: true }); } } });