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2024-08-02 22:55:55 +00:00
import Net from "net";
import "dotenv/config";
import { setup as dbSetup, runPrepQuery, numRows } from "./Utility/db.js";
import { Err, Log, Debug, Warn } from "./Utility/loggerUtility.js";
import crypto from "crypto";
import { botSetup, client } from "./Utility/discordClient.js";
import { event } from "./Utility/eventHandler.js";
import fsConfig from "./config.json" assert { type: "json" };
import { loadModelFromDB, createNewLS } from "./Utility/lsModel.js";
import { listen } from "./webserver.js";
import { getUserFromJwt, setUserSocket, loadUsersFromDB } from "./Utility/userModel.js";
import { getLSModel } from "./Utility/lsModel.js";
* Application configuration.
const token = fsConfig.token;
// Log initial message
Log("Connecting to MySQL DB...");
// Event listener for successful database connection
event.on("DATABASE_CONNECTED", async () => {
try {
await loadUsersFromDB();
await loadModelFromDB();
} catch (error) {
Err("Error during setup after database connection.", error);
// Event listener for failed database connection
event.on("MYSQL_FAILED_TO_CONNECT", () => {
Err("Failed to launch LinkCloud. Unable to connect to MySQL database. Please check database connection parameters and try again.");
process.exit(1); // Exit with non-zero status for error indication
// Global error handlers
process.on("uncaughtException", (error) => {
Err("Uncaught Exception:", error);
//process.exit(1); // Optionally exit with non-zero status
process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason, promise) => {
Err("Unhandled Rejection at Promise:", promise, "Reason:", reason);
// Optionally exit process if desired:
// process.exit(1);
// Server configuration
const server = Net.createServer();
const discordPacketBuffer = [];
const lsPacketBuffer = [];
const sockets = [];
const MAX_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000; // Define constant for buffer size
// Check time difference
const checkTime = (theirTime) => {
const myTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
return Number(theirTime - myTime);
* Generates a hash value for the given packet data using MD5 algorithm.
* @param {object} packet - The packet data object containing type, metaData, payload, etc.
* @returns {string} - The MD5 hash value of the concatenated packet data.
const hashPacketData = (packet) => {
let base = packet.type;
base += packet.metaData.gameTime;
base += packet.metaData.server;
base +=[\n\r]/g, '').trim();
base += packet.payload.message.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '').trim();
base += packet.metaData.platform;
if (packet.payload?.linkshellname) {
base += packet.payload.linkshellname;
} else if (packet.payload?.area) {
base += packet.payload.area;
return crypto.createHash("md5").update(base).digest("hex");
* Adds a packet to the Discord buffer if it does not already exist in the buffer.
* If the buffer exceeds 1000 packets, the oldest packet is removed.
* @param {Object} packet - The packet to add to the buffer.
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if packet is added, false if it already exists.
const addToDiscordBuffer = (packet) => {
const exists = discordPacketBuffer.some(p => p.hash === packet.hash);
if (exists) {
Debug(`${packet.hash} exists, skipping...`);
return false;
Debug(`New hash created ${packet.hash}`);
if (discordPacketBuffer.length > MAX_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return true;
* Event listener for handling incoming data on a socket connection.
* Parses the incoming data, processes the packets, and sends responses accordingly.
* @param {Socket} sock - The socket object representing the connection.
server.on("connection", (sock) => {
Debug("CONNECTED: " + sock.remoteAddress + ":" + sock.remotePort);
sock.on("data", async (data) => {
const response = { error: false };
try {
const packets = data.toString().split("\n");
for (const packetStr of packets) {
if (packetStr) {
const packet = JSON.parse(packetStr);
const differential = checkTime(packet?.metaData?.clientTime);
if (differential <= process.env.MAX_CLOCK_SYNC_MISMATCH_SECONDS) {
response.type = packet?.type?.toUpperCase();
response.packetId = packet?.packetId;
switch (response.type) {
const authed = AuthenticateSocket(packet, sock);
response.payload = authed ? "ACCEPTED" : "REJECTED";
response.error = !authed;
response.errorMsg = "AUTH_FAIL";
response.errorDetails = "You shall not pass!";
response.disconnect = true;
Log(`[${sock.remoteAddress}] connection ${response.payload}.`);
response.payload = "PONG";
packet.hash = hashPacketData(packet);
Log(`[${sock.remoteAddress}] LS_MESSAGE`)
ProcessLSMessage(packet, sock);
ProcessLSUpdate(packet, sock);
Log(`[${sock.remoteAddress}] LS_UPDATE`)
case "SHOUT":
packet.hash = hashPacketData(packet);
case "OTHER":
// Handle other types
Log(`[${sock.remoteAddress}] ADD_LS`)
await ProcessAddLinkshell(packet, sock);
response.error = true;
response.errorMsg = "UNKNOWN_PACKET_TYPE";
response.errorDetails = "UNKNOWN PACKET TYPE";
} else {
response.error = true;
response.errorMsg = "CLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC";
response.errorDetails = `This system and the server clocks are out of sync by ${differential} second(s).`;
if (sock) {
writeToClientSocket(sock, JSON.stringify(response) + "\n\r");
if (response.error) {
Debug("Error processing packet", packet);
sock.destroy(); // Use destroy instead of resetAndDestroy
// Trace (`trace` level logging is not natively supported)
//Debug(`TRACE: TO ${sock.remoteAddress} ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
} catch (ex) {
Err("Unexpected packet format, unable to parse.");
Debug("Data:", data.toString());
sock.on("timeout", () => {
Debug("TIMEOUT: " + sock.remoteAddress + " " + sock.remotePort);
sock.on("close", () => {
Debug("CLOSED: " + sock.remoteAddress + " " + sock.remotePort);
writeToClientSocket(sock, "CHALLENGE\n");
* Removes a socket from the pool.
* @param {Socket} sock - The socket to remove.
const removeSocketFromPool = (sock) => {
const index = sockets.findIndex((o) => o.remoteAddress === sock.remoteAddress && o.remotePort === sock.remotePort);
if (index !== -1) sockets.splice(index, 1);
* Writes data to a client socket with retries.
* @param {Socket} socket - The socket to write to.
* @param {string} data - The data to write.
* @param {number} [retry=0] - The retry count.
const writeToClientSocket = (socket, data, retry = 0) => {
if (!socket?.destroyed && socket?.readyState === 'open') {
socket.write(data, (err) => {
if (err) {
Debug("Failed to write to socket", err);
} else {
if (socket?.destroyed) {
Debug("The socket is dead and can't be written to");
} else if (retry < 5) {
Debug(`Retrying to send packet ${data}`);
setTimeout(() => writeToClientSocket(socket, data, retry + 1), 1000);
* Processes a linkshell message packet.
* @param {object} packet - The packet data.
* @param {Socket} socket - The socket connection.
* @returns {boolean} - Returns false if packet exists, true otherwise.
const ProcessLSMessage = (packet, socket) => {
const exists = lsPacketBuffer.some(p => p.hash === packet.hash);
if (exists) {
Debug(`${packet.hash} exists, skipping...`);
return false;
Debug(`New hash created ${packet.hash}`);
if (lsPacketBuffer.length > MAX_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE) {
const linkshell = ProcessLSUpdate(packet, socket);
if (!linkshell?.channels) return false;
const re = /^(\[.+\] .+)/;
if (!packet.payload.message.match(re)) {
return true;
* Processes a linkshell update packet.
* @param {object} packet - The packet data.
* @param {Socket} socket - The socket connection.
* @returns {object} - Returns the linkshell object.
const ProcessLSUpdate = (packet, socket) => {
const linkshell = getLSModel(packet.payload?.linkshellname, packet.metaData.platform, packet.metaData.server);
if (linkshell) {
linkshell.socket = socket;
Log(`Linkshell "${packet.payload.linkshellname}" Registered By ${packet.metaData.character}`);
return linkshell;
* Sends a system message to the client.
* @param {Socket} socket - The client socket.
* @param {string} message - The message to send.
* @param {boolean} [error=false] - Whether the message is an error.
const sendMessageToClient = (socket, message, error = false) => {
const packet = {
payload: {
isError: error,
if (socket) {
writeToClientSocket(socket, JSON.stringify(packet) + "\n\r");
* Sends a linkshell echo message to the client.
* @param {Socket} socket - The client socket.
* @param {string} message - The message to send.
* @param {string} from - The sender of the message.
* @param {string} ls - The linkshell name.
const sendLSMessage = (socket, message, from, ls) => {
const packet = {
type: "LS_ECHO",
payload: {
from: from.trim(),
message: message.trim(),
linkshell: ls,
if (socket) {
writeToClientSocket(socket, JSON.stringify(packet) + "\n\r");
* Authenticates a socket connection.
* @param {object} packet - The packet data containing authentication info.
* @param {Socket} socket - The socket connection.
* @returns {boolean} - Returns true if authentication is successful, false otherwise.
const AuthenticateSocket = (packet, socket) => {
const authId = packet.payload.authId;
const user = getUserFromJwt(authId);
if (user) {
setUserSocket(socket, user.userId);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Processes a request to add a linkshell.
* @param {object} packet - The packet data.
* @param {Socket} socket - The socket connection.
const ProcessAddLinkshell = async (packet, socket) => {
const linkId = packet.payload.linkId.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "");
const serverId = packet.metaData.server;
const lsName = packet.payload.lsName;
try {
const result = await runPrepQuery("SELECT * FROM pendinglinks WHERE linkId = ? LIMIT 0,1", [linkId]);
if (numRows(result)) {
const { ffxiver, userId } = result[0];
const discordUser = client.users.cache.get(userId);
Debug({ linkId, serverId, lsName, ffxiver, userId });
try {
const newLs = await createNewLS(lsName, serverId, ffxiver, userId);
`# Success!\nYour Linkshell ${lsName} has been added to LinkCloud!\n\n## What's Next?\n- Set up the chat echo channel in your discord server using the \`/lccreateecho\` command in the channel you want to use for the chat echo.\n- Encourage LS members to use the \`/lcjoin\` command to get started streaming data to LinkCloud. The more streamers you have, the more reliable the echo will be.`
Log(`New Linkshell "${lsName}" has been created!`);
sendMessageToClient(socket, `Linkshell ${lsName} added successfully to LinkCloud. Check discord for further instruction.`);
} catch (error) {
Err(`Failed to create Linkshell "${lsName}".`, error);
sendMessageToClient(socket, "An error occurred. This is most likely because this Linkshell already exists.", true);
`# Uh-oh!\nYour Linkshell ${lsName} seems to already exist in our database.\n\n## Need Help?\nYou can reach out to support via discord.\n`
} else {
sendMessageToClient(socket, "An error occurred. The supplied token is not valid.", true);
} catch (error) {
Err("Database query failed during ProcessAddLinkshell.", error);
sendMessageToClient(socket, "An error occurred during linkshell processing. Please try again later.", true);
* Event listener for new Discord echo received.
event.on('NEW_DISCORD_ECHO_RECEIVED', (message) => {
const linkshell = getLSModel(message.lsName, message.platform, message.server);
Log(`[${message.lsName} : ${message.server}] NEW_DISCORD_MESSAGE`)
if (linkshell?.socket) {
sendLSMessage(linkshell.socket, message.message, message.from, message.lsName);
// Server listening
server.listen(process.env.TCP_LISTEN_PORT, () => {
Log(`Server Bound to ${process.env.BIND_ADDRESS} on port ${process.env.TCP_LISTEN_PORT}.`);