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2024-08-02 22:55:55 +00:00
import winston, { addColors } from "winston";
import path from "path";
* Destructures specific formats from the winston library for logging purposes.
* @returns An object containing the destructured formats for logging.
const { combine, timestamp, json, errors, colorize } = winston.format;
const consoleFormat = winston.format.printf((info) => {
* Formats log information into a string with timestamp, log level, metadata, message, and duration.
* @param {object} info - The log information object containing timestamp, level, meta, message, and durationMs.
* @returns {string} A formatted log message string.
return `[${info.timestamp}][${info.level.toUpperCase()}](${info.meta}) ${info.message}${
info.durationMs ? ` Duration: ${info.durationMs}ms` : ""
const consoleTransport = new winston.transports.Console({
* Configures the format of the logs by combining timestamp, consoleFormat, and colorize options.
* @param {Object} timestamp - The timestamp configuration object.
* @param {Object} consoleFormat - The console format configuration object.
* @param {Object} colorize - The colorize configuration object.
* @returns None
format: combine(timestamp({ format: "YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }), consoleFormat, colorize({ all: true })),
handleExceptions: true,
* Configures a Winston logger with specified settings and transports for logging.
* @param {string} logger - The name of the logger.
* @param {object} options - The configuration options for the logger.
* @param {string} options.level - The logging level for the logger.
* @param {Array} options.transports - An array of transports for logging.
* @param {Array} options.exceptionHandlers - An array of exception handlers for logging.
* @param {Array} options.rejectionHandlers - An array of rejection handlers for logging.
* @param {boolean} options.exitOnError - Determines if the process should exit on error.
* @returns None
winston.loggers.add("logger", {
level: "debug",
transports: [
new winston.transports.File({
filename: "./logs/runtimeLog.json",
format: combine(timestamp(), errors({ stack: true }), json()),
tailable: true,
maxsize: 1000000, //1mb
handleExceptions: true,
exceptionHandlers: [
new winston.transports.File({ filename: "./logs/exception.log" }),
rejectionHandlers: [
new winston.transports.File({ filename: "./logs/rejections.log" }),
exitOnError: false,
const _getCallerFile = () => {
* Generates a formatted string representing the file path and line number of the caller.
* @returns {string} A string in the format "directory/filename:lineNumber"
const err = new Error();
Error.prepareStackTrace = (_, stack) => stack;
const stack = err.stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = undefined;
const dir = path.dirname(stack[2].getFileName()).split("/").pop();
const filename = path.basename(stack[2].getFileName()).replace(".js", "");
return `${dir}/${filename}:${stack[2].getLineNumber()}`;
* Retrieves the logger instance from Winston loggers.
* @returns The logger instance for logging purposes.
export const logger = winston.loggers.get("logger");
* Add color styles to different log levels for console output.
* @param {Object} colors - An object containing color styles for different log levels.
* Colors should be specified in the format "style color" (e.g. "bold red").
* Available styles: bold, italic
* Available colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
* @returns None
info: "bold green",
warn: "bold italic yellow",
error: "bold red",
debug: "magenta",
* Set the exitOnError property of the logger to false.
* This property determines whether the logger should exit the process when an error occurs.
logger.exitOnError = false;
* Logs a debug message along with metadata about the caller file.
* @param {string} message - The message to be logged.
* @returns None
export const Debug = (message) => {
logger.debug({ message, meta: _getCallerFile() });
* Logs a message using the logger with the caller file information.
* @param {string} message - The message to be logged.
* @returns None
export const Log = (message) => {{ message, meta: _getCallerFile() });
* Logs a warning message along with metadata about the caller file.
* @param {string} message - The warning message to be logged.
* @returns None
export const Warn = (message) => {
logger.warn({ message, meta: _getCallerFile() });
* Logs an error message along with metadata about the caller file.
* @param {string} message - The error message to be logged.
* @returns None
export const Err = (message) => {
logger.error({ message, meta: _getCallerFile() });
* Marks the end of profiling and adds metadata about the caller file to the profiler message.
* @param {Profiler} profiler - The profiler object used for profiling.
* @param {object} message - The message object containing profiling data.
* @returns None
export const profilerDone = (profiler, message) => {
profiler.done({ ...message, meta: _getCallerFile() });